A blue silhouette of a pine tree with a big yellow star atop a gray, blue, green and yellow striped OSDD pride flag.

Pineverse System

(take funny picture)The Pineverse System is a medically recognized and professionally diagnosed OSDD system of 13. We are trying to figure out what caused the system, but we have a few theories.What’s your diagnosis?
We are collectively diagnosed with bipolar I disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, ADHD, Tourette’s, and OSDD.
Why Pineverse / How did you come up with your name/icon?Quartz made them both. Ge put together gem’s two favorite cartoons’ protagonist’s last names. (Pines and Universe). The pine tree in our icon represents Dipper and Mabel. The star represents Steven from SU. The background is a pastel version of an OSDD pride flag.Does anyone besides your friends know?
Yep!! Our doctor/psychiatrist, our mom and our guidance counselors all know. We want to let a few of our teachers know as well, but we are a bit scared. Our OSDD should be on file, but we’re not sure if it’s been entered yet. Since it’s faked often, it’s scary to try to say I& have it.
Don’t you have OSDD-1b?
OSDD-1b is not an actual diagnosis in the DSM-V. The site did-research.org created this label via combining the DSM-IV diagnosis of DDNOS-1a/1b/etc. with OSDD. OSDD has no official criteria, and it is up to a professional to judge whether it is a proper diagnosis for each specific case. The DSM-V does not provide numbers for each OSDD diagnosis, but only examples. DDNOS had these numeric labels, and 1b was defined as having alters but no amnesia between them. These were mixed in the creation of did-research.org, but are not official. So while by these labels we do have OSDD-1b, we officially have “OSDD due to lack of amnesia between alters”. More information is available here
Why do you use I/other first person pronouns?
because we don’t always want to be like “hey we’re a system!!!!” and it’s easier. plus it’s habit. try saying “I” for 13 years, then start saying “we.” it’s hard
Note: the body is 15 years old, and our youngest alters are 12. Our oldest is at least a trillion. However, regardless of age, please do not talk to us sexually at all. First off, we are still considered a minor by law. Second, we’ve had iffy things about dating and relationships recently and it’d be nice to not open up scabbed wounds.
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Oliver - 🐈
18-19 years old (age range)
Fictive source: Purrfect Tale
Birthday: August 26th

Paimon - 💫
??? Years old
Fictive source: Genshin Impact
Birthday: June 1st

Shen - 💺
Late 20s-early 30s (not an age slider, no exact age)
Fictive source: Bluechair
Note: there’s no exact term to describe it but his little role is basically the adult for a bunch of actual children and people who are thousands of years old and still act like children.
Birthday: February 1st

Bill Cipher - 👁⚠️
??? At least 1 trillion
Fictive source: Gravity Falls
Note: he’s not evil anymore!!! please don’t be scared to interact, he’s nice. He hates what he did in the past. If he’s mean to you, he’s probably not intentionally upsetting you. We all try to use tone indicators but we sometimes forget.
Birthday: June 18th
Alter Rentry

Dipper Pines - 🌲🧢
12-13 years old
Fictive source: Gravity Falls
Note: he’s that one smart kid we try to get to front during school. we’re gifted but for some reason, he seems to…tap into it better?
Birthday: August 31st
Alter Rentry

Mabel Pines - 🌲🌠
12-13 years old
Fictive source: Gravity Falls
Note: hyper as fuck. literal embodiment of our adhd, we swear to god. but she can also hyperfocus super well.
Birthday: August 31st
Alter Rentry

T - ❤️🩹
15 years old
Note: pretty much basically us before the system happened
Birthday: October 1st
alter rentry

Quartz - 💎
She/he/they/it, ge/gem, ro/rose, quar/quartz, testing ci/cipher
15 years old
Triggers: irl sh pics, Roro/Minmin/Mero/Nakaikiaka’s last streams
Note: It’s clear ge holds a lot of out issues, and is the one most affected by our bipolar. Also currently on front restriction.
Birthday: October 1st
Alter Rentry

Chiffon- 🌸🔪
25 years old
Fictive source: Sir Fluff’s creations what do we call him he’s a fictive of the character
Note: He might hold the violent thoughts from hypomania, but that’s just a theory a game theory
He’s not normally violent. He’s kinda like Bill, where he’s not as terrible as his source
He also has a mouth like a sailor most of the time. We don’t let him front often in public for that reason.
Birthday: June 13th
Alter Rentry

Tomo- 🟦
20-something years old
Fictive source: Live With Yourself!
Note: Very chill. We think the future part may be a bit of an anxiety thing, but nobody knows for sure. He can be sarcastic and rude at times, but he’s really nice and never means to offend.
Unicode please make a hoodie emoji
Birthday: August 20th
Alter Rentry

Stanford Pines- 📔
somewhere in his 60s
Fictive source: Gravity Falls
Note: he's still adjusting to existing.
Birthday: June 15th
Alter Rentry

G0Z- 🎪🩺
somewhere in his 20s
Fictive source: Circus In The Sky / Roblox myth
Birthday: August 9th
Alter Rentry

Momoka Sakurai / Menhera-Chan - 🎀
Source: Menhera-Chan
Birthday: ???
alter rentry

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Our system socials are where we are known as Pineverse. Any non-Pineverse socials are under General Socials.Tellonym: pineverse_quartz
If we’re really close, we may give you our Simply Plural as well.
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General socials we feel comfortable listing:
Twitter: @hwslikeacqt
Our CuriousCat and Tellonym are semi-general socials, but are listed under System Socials.
Youtube: Peri-Lapis-Quartz⭐️We have a few friends who may have their socials placed here eventually as well.
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